Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 5

I'm not sure what the difference is between a blog and a journal but I think this has become more of a journal that others may read.  To me a blog is written a little more with the reader in mind and this has definitely become a collection of my random thoughts that I jot down for my own benefit and accountability. 

With that being said, today's random thoughts.  I started training to run a 5k yesterday.  In 6 weeks and 1 day I am going to attempt  to run a little over 2 1/2 miles...up until yesterday the most I'd ever ran was from my room to the kitchen.  We'll see how this goes but I'm very excited about the possibility. 

That is actually my new mantra, excited about the possibility.  I feel like I am on the verge of a lot of things and while nothing has come to fruition I'm trying to remain optimistic about the possibilities. 

I'm really getting into reading the bible.  I'm 5 day sin and I'm almost finished with Genesis.  They were really off the chain back then.  I truly get the saying that there is nothing new under the sun.  They did all kind of stuff.  As archaic as some of their practices seem I am a little jealous of the direct connection they  seem to have to God.  He actually spoke to them.  I REALLY wish he did that now.  I know people say if you pray and listen you'll hear him or he will direct your path or something like that but I would love to hear a big booming voice or have bush in the front yard catch on fire and start talking to me.  It would be great to know without a doubt that I was doing what I was suppose to be doing.  Oh well...

I'm determined not to make this blog about any men so I won't mention the guy I'm in like with.  I will however say, no matter what happens with that I am confident it will work out the way it's suppose to.

Progress on goals:
  • Walked 3 miles (with a lot of hills)
  • Completed day 1 of week 2 of the 5k training
  • Bought a scale
  • Read several chapters of the Bible
  • Read several chapters of Eat Pray Love
  • Thought of some business ideas that may be cool

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